Watching China in 2017

China-watching is mandatory for many people in business.

The world’s most-populous nation looms large on the global stage in politics, commerce and sport. Its 300 million aspiring middle class citizens – still a small part of the total population – are increasingly sophisticated in their consumer activities, travelling a lot more and further, and pursuing business interests on all continents and the South Pacific region.

Top 7 Tips for Finding the Right Business Software

Top 7 Tips for Finding the Right Business Software

You almost certainly started your business for one of two reasons: you can do something better than anyone else, or you have a burning passion so deep you cannot focus on anything else. And if you’re lucky, it’s both. You didn’t start your business because you wanted to track cash moving in and out of your bank account. Nor to complete complicated forms for the government. You hadn’t even contemplated how business software could help you do these tasks, mostly because you didn’t know you need to do them.

Key management skills to grow your business

Key management skills to grow your business

Many small business owners start out with a good business idea but little concept of what it takes to manage and grow a business.

The good news is that you can definitely learn and improve your management skills as your business grows.

And while there isn’t a definitive list of skills, the ones we’ve listed below could help you to build your initial vision and develop your business to its full potential.

The Elephant in the Warehouse – Inventory Carrying Costs

The Elephant in the Warehouse – Inventory Carrying Costs

It’s time to address a subject that a lot of companies fail to notice or incorporate into their business planning – the costs of carrying inventory. Inventory costs money to purchase, this much is a given; however the cost of the inventory goes far beyond that. Typically, (if accurate values are not calculated on a case-by-case basis) the total carrying costs of a product are 25% of its value and composed of capital costs (15%), storage costs (2%), servicing and handling costs (2%) and the cost of risk (6%). Let us look at these different components of inventory carrying costs more closely.

Social media: are you using it for your business?

Social media: are you using it for your business?

Social media is a great tool; it’s a route to new and different customers and a direct way of communicating with your existing customers. It’s also a free way to build brand recognition and create a name for yourself in your field.

So it’s surprising that many businesses still don’t have a social media presence. Sometimes this is a conscious decision, but quite often it’s due to people not always understanding the benefits.

The reality is that social networks can bring a whole new dimension to your business – and they’re definitely a marketing tool worth using to your benefit.