Don’t be a stranger: keeping in contact with customers

Don’t be a stranger: keeping in contact with customers

With loyal customers being worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase, it pays to keep in touch even after you’ve made the sale. After all, they’re not easy to replace—new customers are in limited supply, significantly less likely to buy, and up to six times more expensive to sell to than your existing customer base. So it’s important for retailers to retain their customers by building authentic relationships that benefit both parties.

How to turn the problem of being overstocked into a business opportunity

How to turn the problem of being overstocked into a business opportunity

Overstocked? Don’t worry, this negative can be turned positive.

Being overstocked by nature isn’t normally a great problem to have. You basically have too much stock that you haven’t been able to shift – somewhere along the line something has gone wrong, be it a large order falling over, incorrect forecasting or stock mismanagement. However, let’s not look at this as a negative, but focus on turning this opportunity into something beneficial for your business. So, why is too much inventory a positive thing for you?

Manufacturers – can better inventory management improve business performance?

Manufacturers – can better inventory management improve business performance?

Manufacturers and inventory obviously go hand in hand, it’s not like you can manufacture anything without the necessary parts. However, even with simpler manufacturing jobs, there are a lot of moving parts, and managing the supply chain can become a complex business. It’s one big juggling act, and if you drop one of the balls it can send it all spiraling out of control. However, with inventory management and modern software a lot of the worries of old can be controlled.

Here’s how inventory management can help a manufacturers business performance.

Getting your balance right in 2017

Getting your balance right in 2017

“We should catch up more often!” “Ooh, I could get used to this!” “I’ve been meaning to do that more often” “Mmm, this is the life…” Sound familiar? If you’ve ever said (or thought) the above, you’re not alone. It’s natural for the holidays to shape your ambitions for work/life balance in the year ahead. Unfortunately, the stats show for…

Time to take that holiday

Time to take that holiday

‘There are just not enough hours in the day!’ you cry with a desperation rivalling Tom Hanks’ Wilson-I’m-Sorry and fall to your knees in despair.

Okay, maybe that’s a little dramatic. But if you’re a business owner, I’m sure that sentiment or something like it has at least crossed your mind before. Maybe more than once.

And when you’re working crazy hours six or seven days a week just to get everything done, sometimes a deserted island with only a volleyball for company doesn’t actually sound so bad…