5 things you should consider when choosing a bank for your business

5 things you should consider when choosing a bank for your business

Choosing a bank is one of the most important decisions when starting a small business.

It’s as important as choosing where you’ll set up a brick-and-mortar store, developing a business strategy or deciding who you’ll partner with.

Choosing a bank should be the start of a long and fruitful business relationship.

Get paid faster with these 6 invoice tips

Get paid faster with these 6 invoice tips

No one likes late payments from their customers. Late payments have a negative effect on cash flow. Chasing customers for payment takes valuable time. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to getting your invoices paid on time. Here are some tips to make your invoices highly likely to get paid quickly.

Avoiding the awkward: How to talk to your customers about debt payment

From freelancers to fencers, techies to electricians, if you issue invoices as part of your day-to-day business, you will have experienced the frustration of not having those invoices paid on time.

And the part that really blows? The cringing follow-up phone call where you try to coax payment out of the client while not damaging your relationship.

It’s not me, it’s you: How (and when) to fire a bad customer

Some customers are simply not worth having – they cost you more than the revenue they bring in. They consume a disproportionate share of time and money, and create stress by paying late. They disrespect your people, complain often, and expect the earth, yesterday, and all at a rock-bottom price.

5 ways to speed up your invoicing

5 ways to speed up your invoicing

Do you spend a lot of time entering invoices? At Xero, they’re committed to helping you shave hours off your invoicing workflow. Here’s a grab-bag of ways you can use Xero to speed up your invoicing. Some ways might not suit you, it’s a case of picking the ones that make sense for your business.

How to Prevent and Handle Shoplifting in Your Retail Store

It goes without saying that shoplifting is a major problem in retail. A 2014 study by the National Retail Federation found that shoplifting accounts for 38% of shrinkage, and was costing retailers $32 billion a year. That’s a huge chunk of revenue. To help you keep the income you deserve, we’ve put together some tips for preventing and dealing with shoplifting.